Lori Ference
After a week of repose and relaxation in Prince Edward County, the faery and foodie haven of Ontario, I return with new ideas for the podcast and what we are doing here.
In the last episode, EP17: Encounter with the Hat Man, I promised to share a more recent experience. Here it is. Traveling out of body into parallel realities and calling forth a presence from the shadows. Discovering the power of courage and the importance of the mind to anchor us to our present reality.
In the last episode, EP17: Encounter with the Hat Man, I promised to share a more recent experience. Here it is. Traveling out of body into parallel realities and calling forth a presence from the shadows. Discovering the power of courage and the importance of the mind to anchor us to our present reality.
- Famous explorers and invisible companions
- The subjective nature of proof
- Waking up inside a dream
- The mind is a placeholder for this space/time continuum
- Letting go of the need to know (everything RIGHT NOW)
When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety; if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me, and without pain. From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me. There is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it. ~Rumi
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About Lori J FErence
Lori Ference is a professional intuitive who guides leaders and visionaries through transformational change. She supports visionary leaders as an advisor, strategic project director and producer of broadcast quality video.
She’s also the producer and host of Leaders' Call to Adventure, which features the inspiring stories of those who have forged a unique path in life. As an athlete, she embraces this spirit of adventure through running — in 2017 she completed a 100 mile ultramarathon.
She’s also the producer and host of Leaders' Call to Adventure, which features the inspiring stories of those who have forged a unique path in life. As an athlete, she embraces this spirit of adventure through running — in 2017 she completed a 100 mile ultramarathon.