EPisode 9: Slade Roberson, Part 2

In Part 2 of of my conversation with Slade Roberson, we go deeper into the impact having a stroke had on Slade. As he struggled to regain his speech and rehabilitate his body, his livelihood, his way of interacting with the world and the person he knew himself to be changed dramatically.
Ultimately, it's up to us to alchemize the darkness that accompanies life-altering challenges and use them for our own positive transformation. During the conversation, Slade comes to realize that with the stroke experience, he cracked a part of himself that ultimately allowed him to become the prolific creator he is today. That and, of course, the discipline he honed learning to code during his recovery.
From talking about the power of will, self-control and focus, the conversation leads to an a ha moment we both had when listening to Frank Butterfield (the entity Paul) during Slade's Shift Your Spirits episode: About Channeling with Frank Butterfield
Ultimately, it's up to us to alchemize the darkness that accompanies life-altering challenges and use them for our own positive transformation. During the conversation, Slade comes to realize that with the stroke experience, he cracked a part of himself that ultimately allowed him to become the prolific creator he is today. That and, of course, the discipline he honed learning to code during his recovery.
From talking about the power of will, self-control and focus, the conversation leads to an a ha moment we both had when listening to Frank Butterfield (the entity Paul) during Slade's Shift Your Spirits episode: About Channeling with Frank Butterfield
- Scheduling, creativity and cat people
- Cracking willpower - is it really like binary code?
- How confronting mortality can simplify choices
- University degrees may not be as valuable as we think
- Pondering the a ha moment in About Channeling with Frank Butterfield
- STOP trying to control everything
- "The totality of your influence isn't just one piece. It's an accumulation over a great deal of time." - Slade Roberson
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About Slade Roberson
Slade Roberson is the founder of Shift Your Spirits, a highly successful spiritual blog and podcast. While the podcast episodes are still available online, the blog has been taken down. Slade has moved onto other ventures. You can find out more on the last episode of the Shift Your Spirits podcast, "My New Life"
Resources Mentioned in this episode
Shift Your Spirits Episode 11: Spirituality, Leadership and Adventure with Lori Ference ( My answer when Slade asks me about the one thing that is misunderstood in spiritual circles.)