Client Stories

"Working with Lori has led me to be able to heighten my own natural gifts, not as just a healer and a parent, but as a business woman as well.
She is laser like in identifying where shadow behavior is hiding in my life, where we need to go to retrieve it and help me process it. She allows me to go deep and direct and not spend much, if any, time sitting in the lower energies of the work. This has allowed me to show up as more of a leader with my clients, learn new techniques to share with them and realize a whole new way I can help other people heal."
Kevra Cherne, Money Freedom Solutions

"Thank you for your powerful work with me recently. During our session I retrieved a memory inaccessible for the past 50+ years. Your guidance in accessing and processing this piece brought a deeper understanding and healing around this key event from my childhood.
Thank you, Lori. I am most grateful to you"
Robert Han Bishop, Ph.D., Awakened Guidance

"Before working with Lori, I knew I was destined to be a great leader. However, I never owned that role. I held myself back and felt like a fraud if I called myself a leader.
This made no sense logically because even when I was my own harshest critic, I could see that I thrived in the spotlight, I was an amazing teacher and I could inspire and rally people around a common goal.
I knew the issue ran deep inside on an emotional level. Despite doing years of inner work and being an avid student of personal growth, I couldn’t quite figure out what was specifically holding me back.
Lori intuitively knew an instant what I needed to examine in my life. The reason I hadn’t solved it myself was because I had to go somewhere emotionally where I did not want to go. Lori guided me gently and safely so that I could explore and release the emotional trauma that prevented me from stepping into my role as a leader.
As the weeks go by, I keep seeing more changes. It's like I'm thinking bigger, much bigger for everything. I'm feeling Dragon Spirit isn't my 6-figure business because it's going to be my 7-figure business.
I'm not going to just teach reflexology and sell books/videos, I'm going to partner with a friend to create a metaphysical and physical energy healing system named after us that we will license and teach to healers like Feldenkrais or Rolfing.
I'm not just going to help heart-centered coaches with their websites, I am going to help the people who really want to transform the world and reach millions of people online.
Every dream is bigger and every dream feels like my reality that is in the process of unfolding."
Holly Tse, Dragon Spirit Guide, hollytse.com

"I chose to work with Lori to heal some old wounds that held me back from authentically and boldly stepping into my highest power. I was not sure what to expect but found that the combination of her spiritual connection and practical guidance brought me back into alignment with my true self. I felt healed and re-energized in a new way."
Jane Morrison, Executive, Business and Leadership Coach, Authenticpower Consulting

"I saw how I created beliefs that were limiting me to receive.
I feel that she is very in tune with her feminine presence, a strong and wise lady - a divine warrior."
The sound of her voice carried the truth. It said, 'Move it!', yet with the tenderness of compassion."
Tatasjuanna (John Mahkewa), Tewa-Hopi elder and teacher

"My work with Lori allowed me to take care of unfinished business with my departed mother I didn't think was possible to resolve. As a result, old energy has been released and replaced with a new vitality that has allowed me to boldly step forward in my business, launching new programs and creating abundance with ease. "
Sylvia Warren, MBA, Consciousness Coach, Simply the Best Coaching

"With Lori's help, I was able to gain deeper insight into my childhood. The memories I accessed allowed me to heal old wounds and eliminate barriers on my path of personal development. Although much can be accomplished through dedicated, solitary work, sometimes you need a guide to lead you through the difficult places. Lori is excellent at facilitating this process and I'm grateful for her assistance.
Consulting with Lori helped me come to terms with my father's death, and to release some of the anger and guilt I had been subconsciously holding on to. I now understand how my relationship with my father has influenced all of the other relationships in my life. These insights have given me clarity and peace of mind, and greatly improved the way I interact with people on a daily basis."
Mark P, Social Innovator, Web Developer

"To unite mind, body, and soul and live presently from my core being is my pursuit of happiness. This quest however, takes time and practice and for me, guidance.
My session with Lori lead me to do some heavy inner work. She brought me down a path I had locked up and forgotten about. Through her guidance, Lori helped me to see I had covered up a wound that had yet to be healed. In fact before my guided healing session with Lori, I hadn’t even realized that 18 years worth of insecurities came from this wound, and in many ways disabled me from living a body, mind, and heart healthy life.
First, Lori connected me to my body by having me place my hand over my heart. I felt my physical form; the sensation of my heart beating. With this, I felt grounded, aware and in the present moment. She guided me to my spirit-my past spirit specifically. I was given the space to look deep into my heart and connect on a level I have never before allowed myself to. Lori taught me how to face my truth (my wound) with courage and honesty. She taught me how to feel safe and peaceful there. For once I felt acceptance and belonging.
In the midst of my body and spirit connection, I could feel I was also shifting mentally. It was a peaceful state… a sense of binding my mind, body, and spirit and trusting within. This healing process allowed me to know deep within myself that I can trust. I can trust and I can accept and I can move forward from a place of love and unity.
My experience with Lori hasn’t ended. I can feel on a daily basis an energy shifting within myself. It feels for me like an awareness of who I am. I can feel my energy expanding…forgiving and releasing the negative and creating space for all the good-the good I have within me and all the good that is yet to come. I’ve had continual rediscoveries of myself and a deeper understanding of my past as well as my present.
The session with Lori has shown me exactly what I need to do (my inner work) and how to do it in order to live more wholly. Lori’s gift of healing has guided me toward a path of enlightenment.
Thank you, Lori."
Tracy Matthews,Yoga Teacher, Early Childhood Educator

"As a result of working with you, I have shifted and I can feel it already. I feel more open in body and mind, allowing for guidance and feelings that I had previously felt as heavy. Now, with the clarity and release of judgment, those feelings flow through as love!"
Thanks for letting your light shine. You are beautiful...and fun and funny!"
Suzie Nixon, Director of Alumni Affairs at The Thatcher School

Lori is incredibly gifted at feeling into people. I've never heard of anyone doing this in the way that Lori does.
I asked her to tell me what she perceived about a friend of mine that she had only briefly met a couple of times and knew very little about. She was quiet for a bit and then she started to describe my friend's feelings, his concerns, his sadness, his fears, his regrets. Astonishingly, she accurately described some of his concerns that only I was aware of, as he had confided them to me in private. Other feelings she described were revelations to me. I didn't know them before but they made absolute sense. The farther she went with those descriptions, the deeper she inhabited his feelings.
Incredibly, Lori is also able to gain insight into people who are no longer alive . One time, we went to the grave of somebody I knew who had passed away before I met Lori. I had told her almost nothing about the circumstances of his death but she started picking up information about him immediately and described his feelings, speaking of regrets that he had about his life, how upset he was about hurt he caused his family, how he was having difficulty moving on and resolving what had happened.
Now, unbeknownst to Lori and unhinted at by me, I knew of this man's dealings with the criminal side of the law and the circumstances around it all. And I knew better than Lori did how much what she was picking up related to the man's life. With her help,this spirit was able to find peace and resolution.
If I really needed to know about someone, living or dead, there's no one else I know who can access it like she can. I know that there are people who would benefit greatly from her help. I would implore anyone to consider if they or anyone else they know could use this sort of experience/help and might be interested in retaining Lori's services. Hopefully, those that need her will find her so that they can gain insight in a way that only Lori can bring.
Aaron Solomon, Composer, Musician, Producer and Actor, Fiddlehead Productions